Sunday, October 4, 2015

Fall 2015 POTW #3: MBTehhhhh

Submissions due by midnight on Sunday 10/11.

The answer to each clue below is an MBTA (Boston, MA) subway stop. (Bus stops do not count; this only refers to the Red, Green, Blue, Orange, and Silver lines.)

Each answer has been clued in a roundabout way, possibly involving a pun or wordplay and, at the least, involving an interpretational stretch. (In the parlance of crossword puzzles, these are "question mark-style" clues.)

Here's an example to help you: If the clue were, "Where Citizens and Santander treat their customers well?", the solution would be Fairbanks.

2 points will be awarded for each correct answer:
  1. Where a farmer may purchase some feed for his horses?
  2. Washington, D.C.?
  3. An elm inside your helmet?
  4. Where a former Mass. Governor and U.S. President grew up and hung out?
  5. Ring around a major Midwestern American city?
Note about submissions:
  • Please use the same name every week so that I will have a correct cumulative total at the end of the semester!
  • Also, you do not  need to provide both a name and team name. If you are an individual, supply your name. If you are submitting on behalf of a group of people, supply your group's name.
  • Also, please be unique. Don't use a name of, for instance, "Joe" because there will surely be more than one Joe. Full first and last names would be best.

    What is your name / team name?

    This is a required question

    Submit your answers for Fall 2015 POTW #3 here.

    This is a required question

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